County GovernmentsKirinyaga County

Press Statement by Gov. Anne Waiguru on the Tabling of the Impeachment Motion in the County Assembly

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From @AnneWaiguru

This morning the Kirinyaga County Assembly has placed on its Order Paper the notice of the ill-informed and ill-timed impeachment motion against me. As I have stated before, the issues raised in the motion are baseless and a waste of valuable time that would be better spent handling the serious issues impacting the County, including the Corona crisis. Their intent is merely to bully me to achieve nefarious and personalized political objectives.

On the basis of the above and other factors, I have sought and obtained a clear and unequivocal Court Order from the High Court stopping any proceedings by the Assembly on the impeachment until the numerous issues we raised with the Court were determined. These matters remain undetermined and the injunction remains in place.

For some inexplicable reason, the members pushing this motion believe, or have been lead to believe, that they are above the law. They believe they are not bound by Court Orders. Their allegiance seems to be a master pulling and pushing levers form outside the Assembly, and not to the rule of law/

If the Assembly does proceed in violation of the subsisting Court Orders, I shall seek such orders for contempt against the Speaker and all participating members as are available under the law.

In the meantime, I reiterate once again, I shall not be bullied. My single and unceasing interest is to serve the people who elected me. All else will be vindicated by the Law, the Truth, and Justice.