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President and Other Leaders Mourn Passing of Former Minister Joe Nyagah

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From and Twitter/@statehousekenya

President Uhuru Kenyatta has mourned former Cabinet Minister Joseph ‘Joe’ William Nthiga Nyagah as a consummate politician whose many years of public service helped shape modern Kenya.

The 2017 presidential candidate passed away today at the age of 72 years while undergoing treatment at a Nairobi hospital.

In a message of comfort to the Nyagah family, President Kenyatta eulogised the two-term Gachoka MP as his friend of many years and an influential, approachable servant leader whose wisdom will be missed by many.

“Joe was a great person. A friendly leader, highly experienced in public service and a very influential politician. What stood out the most in my many years of interaction with him was his brilliance and clarity of mind when articulating matters of public interest,” the President recalled.

President Kenyatta said the former Minister was a trusted leader whose outstanding service to the country saw him serve as a minister in two regimes.

“It is rare for someone to serve two administrations at the ministerial level but Joe defied all that because of his accomplishments and the trust that he earned from the appointing authority for exemplary performance,” the President said.

Before joining elective politics, Hon Nyagah had a long career in public service having served as Kenya’s Ambassador to Brussels and as the Managing Director of national carrier Kenya Airways.

“As a nation, we owe Joe a debt of gratitude for his long and distinguished service to the country and for his many accomplishments as a public servant. May God rest his soul in eternal peace,” the President mourned.

The Head of State wished the Nyagah family, friends and relatives of the departed leader God’s comfort and fortitude as they mourn and come to terms with his death.

I have received the sad news of the passing on of Hon. Joseph Nyaga. I have known Joe for many years both as a fellow leader and as a friend. We served in the cabinet at the same time between 2007 and 2012. He was a charismatic leader of impeccable character. As a legislator and Cabinet Minister, Hon. Joe Nyaga, immensely contributed to the development of this great nation. Kenya has lost a dependable and selfless leader who sought to reach out across the aisle and worked with leaders of different political persuasions to achieve a united Kenya. I wish the entire Nyaga family strength and fortitude to bear with the pain of loss of a loved one. The people of Embu and the entire country have lost an accomplished leader.
May Joe’s soul rest in eternal peace. — Charity Ngilu Governor Kitui County (Twitter/@mamangilu)

I’ve received with shock news of the passing of my friend former Cabinet Minister Joe Nyagah. Joe has been a critical player in the affairs of our nation straddling the corporate world, government, diplomacy and national politics. My heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. May He Rest In Eternal Peace. – Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga (Twitter/@RailaOdinga)

Joe had an illustrious as well as industrious political and corporate careers during his life time. A founder member of our party and an astute debater in Parliament. Curtains have fallen on a man who lived a good life. A man who enjoyed being called a POLITICIAN – ODM Party (Twitter/@TheODMParty)

I am deeply saddened by the the death of Hon Joseph Nyagah, a family friend, a former cabinet colleague & amiable politician. Before joining Cabinet Joe also distinguished himself as a diplomat and Chief Executive Officer( CEO) of Kenya Airways. Condolences to the Nyagah family. – Hon. Musalia Mudavadi, Party Leader ANC (Twitter/@musaliamudavadi)

We have lost a selfless, bold, visionary and industrious leader who took exceptional honour in public service. Honourable Joe Nyagah was a vocal, responsive and development-conscious leader. He was amiable, steadfast and a dedicated campaigner for a better, more cohesive, more inclusive and more transformed Kenya. We will miss his wise counsel and modest personality. Our deep thoughts and prayers are with the Nyagah family and their loved ones during this difficult time. Rest In Peace, Honourable Nyagah. — Deputy President William Ruto (Twitter/@WilliamsRuto)

I’m saddened to learn of the passing on of Hon. Joe Nyaga. Joe was a good friend and political ally – which led us into forming ‘Pentagon’ back in 2007. He has served this country diligently and worked tirelessly for the well-being of the people of Kenya. My deepest sympathies go out to his family at this time of sorrow and may the Almighty give them strength and courage to bear the loss. May his soul rest in peace. CS Tourism and Wildlife (Twitter/@tunajibu)

One thought on “President and Other Leaders Mourn Passing of Former Minister Joe Nyagah

  • I have deeply lost my and only Honest Friend and a Family Relative Honourable Joseph Nyagah.I have known him since I was a young Man in Embu County we have worked very closely with his Late Father and my Uncle Jeremiah Nyaga.Joe nyaga has been down on Earth for everyone.he has helped both the county levels,national and internatinals.All the churches will live to remember his effort and ability in helping the church to be known and be respected.i have been his iner friend whom he could take no political step without consulting me my condolecense goes to his direct family
    Lets meet soon my friend in our Saviours second coming
    Bishop Silas kinyua Muriuki and family

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