County GovernmentsSiaya County

Partners Continue To Support Siaya County Efforts against COVID-19 and Flood Victims

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From official Siaya County website,

The Siaya County Flood victims and COVID-19 kitties have benefited from non food items worth KShs. 3.4 million courtesy of the partnership between the County Government of Siaya, the Safaricom Foundation, Red Cross and Scope International, a non governmental organisation.

Speaking during a virtual hand over ceremony yesterday, the Safaricom Foundation Chairman Mr. Joseph Ogutu, said that the foundation intends to be fully involved in programs that aim at promoting safety of Kenyans during these uncertainties of COVID-19 and floods ravaging the Country.

Siaya Governor and Co-Chair of Siaya COVID-19 Emergency Response Committee His Excellency Cornel Rasanga, while receiving the donations, lauded the partners whose support he said will go a long way in supporting county programs and help alleviate suffering of flood victims and COVID-19 risk averse areas.

“We are grateful to our partners including Safaricom Foundation who have stood firm with our County Government and donated food stuffs and other items to support our county during this difficult times” — Governor Rasanga.

The donations included sanitary towels, fabricated masks and a sanitation booth complete with a 5,000 litre water tank for public sanitisation options. The booth will be installed at Lwanda Kotieno Ferry entry point to be used by those travelling to and from Mbita Islands into and out of the County.

Commenting on reports appearing in recent local dailies that Siaya has launched mass testing, Governor Rasanga refuted the claims adding that while the county administration would like to test as many people as possible, such an exercise would require engagement with the national government as well as a high number of testing equipment which the county does not have yet.