ODMPolitical Parties

ODM’s Response to DP Ruto’s Twitter Comments on KEMSA Scandal

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From @TheODMParty Press Release

In Kenya’s public sphere, there is only one face everyone attaches to corruption and theft, so we are not surprised when a discussion of theft starts and that face immediately attempts to claim a moral high ground that his character, history and profile do not match.

With regard to the current KEMSA corruption debate, we wish to state the following for the benefit of DP and his newfound pretentions to morality. The ODM statements by our Party Leader H.E. Rt Hon Raila Odinga and Secretary General Edwin Sifuna, both called for an audit of KEMSA to ascertain the facts so that every discussion happens from a point of knowledge.

We know Mr Ruto and “Audit” are not the best of friends, but we do remember that when a fake arms scandal happened right in his office, he asked for proper investigations and labelled media stories “nonsense”. We seek the indulgence of his memory in pointing out that ODM has also asked the media in this current case to stick to facts and avoid sensationalism, because accusations of corruption without facts only help the real culprits hide behind the noise.

ODM has never, and will never defend corruption at whatever level. Indeed, we imagine that if any member or leader of ODM was culpable in the KEMSA scandal, Ruto would be falling over himself to present such evidence to the public. He hasn’t because there is nothing to present. However, we notice the reverse psychology where Ruto feels he may now have company on the high table of plunder of state resources, theft and shameless corruption. However much he tries to invite us to that table of dead conscience and daylight robbery, we will decline the invitation.

If the Deputy President now prosecutes such weighty matters on Twitter while still earning a salary, then taxpayers must demand that he takes a walk and becomes an activist or blogger. The spectacle of a DP running activism instead of governing is becoming truly embarrassing. There is no chance at all that making false accusations about KEMSA theft will erase the long catalogue of corruption ills that include Arror, Kimwarer, KCAA land, KPC land, Muteshi land, NCPB, Fertilizer, Maize, Langata Road Primary land and hundreds of other colourful cases of theft, which rest squarely at the feet of William Ruto.

We do know that an audit at KEMSA is an uncomfortable prospect because it may just add KEMSA to this catalogue. Indeed, Ruto’s excitable mien lately shows that an audit will not surprise anyone by its findings. William Ruto has been the biggest enemy of state institutions charged with fighting graft. He has called the DCI a political “youth wing” hired to “Kill him” , he has dismissed EACC as a tool for political convenience and has labelled the ODPP “an anti-Ruto machine”.

He has consistently sought to delegitimize institutions that are crucial to justice, national security and stability, in a bid to avoid accountability. It is not surprising that his position now seems to both delegitimize an audit by the Auditor General at Kemsa and cause chaos so that whoever is culpable can walk away scot free.

In conclusion, the ODM position remains clear; that an urgent audit is required to stop the prospect of this becoming another statistic. We encourage DP Ruto and all Kenyans of goodwill to express anger at the ACTUAL theft at KEMSA, and not ODM statements, because in this manufactured outrage and confusion, lies a barely-concealed attempt by the real thieves to disappear in the resultant fog.

We shall fulfill our mandate as a watchdog for Kenyans without being distracted by known thieves and corruption lords now singing songs of salvation and moral probity.

Edwin Sifuna
Secretary General