County GovernmentsKitui County

Ngilu Releases 322 New Health Workers for Duty

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By Andrew Munyoki

Kitui County’s healthcare received a shot in the arm today when governor Charity Ngilu released 322 new recruits into the workforce to serve in various health facilities in the county. The health workers of different cadres include 3 Cuban doctors, 196 nurses, 70 clinical officers, 24 nutritionists, 13 orthopaedic trauma practitioners, 13 laboratory radiographers and 13 health administrators.

Flagging off the new team at the Kitui County Referral Hospital today, Governor Charity Ngilu said the increased workforce will boost the delivery of medical services at far flung areas of the county where residents have continued to suffer from lack of access to proper health services. She said the recruits will aid in furthering her agenda for better healthcare in Kitui County as itemised in her five-point manifesto promises to her electorate.

“I send you there with my full support and blessings so that you help me achieve my second pillar in the manifesto Kitui people elected me on” she said

The governor further charged all healthcare workers to serve with civility urging them to “work diligently and ensure our clients receive the best of care in our facilities” 

Mrs. Ngilu said her administration was committed to continued improvement of lives of Kitui residents through a timely stocking of drugs and other medical necessities in the county’s 237 health facilities.

“We cannot develop or go far as a county if we do not have healthy people and I have now seen the professionals who will help me realize that dream for Kitui people so go and do that what pertains your call of duty” she added.

She further revealed her administration will champion the strengthening of both preventative and curative health programs to help curb preventable fatalities in the county where mortality rates from preventable causes are still at an alarming high. At the same time, Ngilu launched a new set of medical laboratory equipment, X-ray and ECG (Electrocardiography) machines, ultra sound and CT scanners procured by her administration for use at the Kitui referral hospital.

Chief Officer for Health and Sanitation in the county Dr. Richard Muthoka said the new equipment will increase the efficiency of laboratory services and disease diagnosis at the Kitui referral hospital from the current 40 percent to 90 percent.  He said a total of sh300 million had been invested in the program while another sh400 million had been injected into the purchase of medicines and other non-pharmaceuticals with an extra sh70 million going to the purchase of medical equipment for the county’s health facilities.

During the event, Governor Ngilu also launched the polio vaccination campaign in Kitui County. She charged all parents with children under five years to allow their children receive the polio jab for prevention against the disease. The polio vaccination campaign is a national program running from Wednesday 11th to Sunday 15th July 2018.