Nchoe Sworn in as ODM National Elections Board Commissioner
From @NSyntei
It is not everyday that precedents are set, neither do special occurrences. My nomination to the National Elections Board of the Orange Democratic Party comes as both a precedent and affirmation of the party’s resolve to include young people and young women into it’s processes. There is a paradigm shift in politics the world over and young people have begun to take position in political discourses. This nomination is hope for the young people across the divide of political inclination.
That young men and women are being brought to the decision making table not just as spectators but as assets and policy influencers. That women are finally being centred where it matters. I wish to thank the Party Leader, The Rt. Hon Raila Amollo Odinga and the ODM Party for the appointment and for the chance to serve my party. I am confident that I will deliver on my mandate as stipulated in the party constitution and guidelines.
I am deeply and immensely touched by the faith the Party has bestowed on me to entrust me with such responsibility. I promise to faithfully and loyally serve the party to the best of my ability in realization of its vision and mission. Thank you.
Today, I took oath of office as a Commissioner, National Elections Board of ODM. Thank you Hon. Raila Odinga and the ODM Party or this chance to serve my party, I look forward to diligently dispense my duties as stipulated in the party constitution. Thank you.
Syntei Nchoe.