Political PartiesWiper

National Executive Council of the Wiper Conclude Retreat at the Kenya School of Law

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Press Release – The National Executive Council of the Wiper Democratic Movement-Kenya, having concluded its Retreat at the Kenya School of Law in Karen, Nairobi, on Sunday July 28 2019, resolved as follows:

By Hon. Amb. Chirau Ali Mwakwere, Acting National Chairman

  1. THAT the WDM-K has today elected the Hon. Chirau Ali Mwakwere as its Acting National Chairman, and Mrs. Anne Kanyi as Acting National Vice-Chair. The Party also resolved that other vacant positions will be filled at a later date. The election of the Chairman and Vice-Chair will be ratified at a National Delegates Conference whose date will be announced later.
  2. THAT the WDM-K supports efforts to reform the Constitution and reiterates its unequivocal support for the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) which is nearing conclusion of its work. We believe that the BBI offers the best and all-inclusive roadmap for Kenya’s democracy, prosperity and inclusivity. We, however, propose that the BBI should culminate in a Parliamentary-initiative-driven Referendum in the next 60 days.
  3. THAT the WDM-K opposes the Punguza Mzigo Bill for lack of public participation and urges all county assemblies to exercise caution and ensure that there is public participation before debate and voting. The Bill, in its current form, is poison offered in a golden chalice because, though it purports to offer a panacea to the high cost of running Government, it in fact claws back on the gains of the 2010 Constitution concerning equitable representation at both County and Constituency levels by drastically reducing the number of elected representatives. But, more worrisome is the fact that Punguza Mzigo takes away from women, the youth and people with disabilities their right to equitable representation.
  4. THAT the WDM-K lauds the efforts by the Director of Criminal Investigations and the Director of Public Prosecutions in the fight against corruption. Similarly, we laud the Chief Justice in his announcement of setting up a separate Court to deal with corruption matters and his further direction, that all corruption-related cases will be heard on a day-to-day basis.
  5. THAT the WDM-K reiterates its support for Uhuru Kenyatta’s resolve in fighting corruption. We believe the President is on the right path in his war against graft.
  6. THAT the WDM-K urges the President to institute changes and reform in Treasury at the earliest, in order to bring stability in the economy – businesses are suffering immensely because of the slowdown in the economy.
  7. THAT the WDM-K notes with concern the ongoing dispute on Division of Revenue and urges the Intergovernmental Framework to immediately initiate mediation processes to forestall financial crisis at counties.
  8. THAT the WDM-K condemns all acts of corruption in counties and urges the DCI and DPP to move with speed to bring to book all persons who may have engaged in corruption in the counties. We urge Parliament to consider and debate the proposal to have Governors step aside in the event they are charged in corruption-related offences.
  9. THAT the WDM-K, having revamped its Wiper Women Democrats and Young Wiper Democrats wings, will continue strengthening its structures so as to ensure the party is well positioned to take its rightful place in Kenya’s political arena.
  10. THAT the WDM-K will continue supporting and promoting initiatives that are aimed at bettering the lives of all Kenyans.
  11. THAT, the WDM-K will embark on a mass membership registration exercise in the next one month.