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Mutua in Kiambu County

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By Dr Alfred Mutua from Twitter/@DrAlfredMutua

I am so delighted to have been hosted by colleague Governor for Kiambu county H.E Dr. James Nyoro whom I paid a courtesy call to his office this afternoon. My county of Machakos is so proximate to Kiambu, and as a consequence of that neighbourhood we share a number of things in common that require us to forge a united approach in tackling them.

With His Excellency Governor Nyoro we have delved in matters of trade, mineral resources and infrastructure that is shared between our people of Kiambu and Machakos; more importantly we discussed how those resources can be harnessed to improve the well being of our counties’ people.

Some of the striking issues are: how to deal with the issue of double taxation for traders operating between Machakos and Kiambu and vice versa. Natural resources like sand is crucial for infrastructural development. It is widely used in Kiambu but it is sourced from Machakos. Sand harvesting as we know it is engulfed in numerous pitfalls that ordinarily require administrative mitigation. We have began conversations on how to settle those bottlenecks. Kiambu county is so closer to my heart; its devpt means as much to me as that of Machakos county.

I have therefore made a formal invitation to Governor Nyoro to tour Machakos and benchmark on our success stories in healthcare, road construction, provision of clean water, impeccable tourism and flourishing mechanized agriculture. That visit, we have scheduled for August this year is vital to build a strong and stable bond from which our people will profit. I used that opportunity to invite more Kiambu people to Machakos to work and to do business.

At the same time I have lobbied my friend, Governor Nyoro to allow an environment that is conducive for traders from Machakos to operate in Kiambu county devoid of fear or undue interference. Through that we will be able to build a wealthy future for our children and our children’s children. My profound gratitude goes to His Excellency Governor James Nyoro for being a good host, and to the people of Kiambu for the wonderful reception.