ANCPolitical Parties

Mudavadi Statement on the Health Sector Funds Corrosive Scams

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From @anc_party

President Uhuru Kenyatta has outlined and repeatedly emphasized the Big Four Agenda (BFA). He has beseeched us to stop politicking and instead support this agenda. The most critical in BFA is universal healthcare. That theft of public and donor resources is recently concentrated In the health sector – particularly theft of Covid-I9 funds – an unacceptable odour suffocating this country. It is not only a recipe for failure of the BFA agenda, but will also certain, deny the President a coveted legacy.

Consequently. I condemn this blatant theft of emergency resources and urge urgent arrest of culprits involved. However, it is not lost to me that investigative agencies are seemingly overstretched by sprouting tentacle, of corruption. Massive similar rip offs involving billions of taxpayers money in other sectors remain painstakingly unresolved.

Public participation in all our affairs as a Nation is a running principle set out in the Constitution. Unfortunately, traditional action by our investigative agencies do not attract public participation. Therefore, the nature of overzealous embezzlement inflicted on the health sector overtime – especially the KEMSA heist now – demands that es anything he done above board; in the glare of the citizens and with robust public participation.

Overall. the results of such inquiry must prescribe a definite. precise and binding actions against those found culpable. Only then shall the count,. come to ten. with the goings-on at the Minis, of Health or what – by Cabinet Secretary’s Muuthi Kagwe own admission – who the –untouchable cartel in there are. For this reason, the only appropriate mechanism, via which to get to the bottom of what is ailing the health sector is for the President to appoint a Judicial ‘Commission of Inquiry.

I am by no way infatuated with proposing judicial commissions of inquiry whenever things get skewed. Things have indeed gone awry. and only such inquiry will soften the hearts of our development partners who threaten to abandon us at the hour of our most need because of our insatiable dishonesty.

If donors pull out, not only do we lose Covid-I9 support, but will also forgo over Ksh400billion for HIV and AIDS, Malaria. and TB, among other life-saving interventions beneficial to our people.

Why, therefore, do I propose a Judicial Commission of Inquiry AND NOT the normal investigations soiled by multiple actors?

  1. Commissioners of a Judicial Commission of Inquiry enjoy immunity unlike our DCI, Police or EACC who are vulnerable to influence, threats and blackmail by the infamous powerful cartels.
  2. A Judicial Commission of inquiry A public, conducted in an open and transparent manner. There is naming, shaming and refutation. This facilitates public participation as required under the Constitution.
  3. Decisions made by the Commission are binding in law; and just as those of a Court, are enforceable on their own without need for further machinations. So, the end game is neat and clear for the public.
  4. Since only the President has power under the Commission of Inquiry Act A form such a commission, this will help the President A stamp executive authority on the fight against graft with finality and deflate the lingering insinuations that he is a reluctant fighter of corruption.

Covid- 19 pandemic has been with us for five months and still counting. This pandemic has ravaged and devastated our lives, tom our families a, and pounded our economy with unrelenting cruelty. Kenyans are dying, others holding to dear lives in ICUs. HDUs, self-isolation facilities and in their homes. Our medical personnel – true heroes and frontline soldiers – have not been spared.

The disease is amok in communities. But we are unable to expansively test and contact trace. Health facilities will soon be overrun. In sum, we are on our knees, terrified by the horror inflicted on us by the invisible enemy.

The situation, Mr. President, is dire; in the midst of this terror, some have found in our tribulations a source of profiteering through theft, fraudulent procurement schemes and grossly inflated prices. They need to be stopped.

Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and Integrity. Chapter 12 on Principles and Guidelines of Public Finance. the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, and the Public Finance Management Act, have failed to tame and stop them. The public is restless and now requires answers.

Mr. President, a Judicial Commission of Inquiry 1, ill unearth the real underlying problems of this malaise.

Meanwhile, I urge Kenyans not to give up the light against Covid-19; continue observing guidelines as issued from time to time. Coronavirus is real; iris here with us. But all will be well, if we protect ourselves.“God bless Kenya. God bless our people

Hon. Musalia Mudavadi,