County GovernmentsMeru County

Mt Kenya East region leaders deliberates on amendments of the BBI Report

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Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi, his counterparts Muthomi Njuki of Tharaka Nithi and Martin Wambora of Embu, joined leaders from Mt. Kenya East for a consultative meeting to consolidate the region’s views on the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) process, even as Mt. Kenya/Central region is expected to hold the mega BBI rally at Kinoru Stadium on Saturday.

The Governor noted that there is need to expand the executive to have the President, Deputy President, Prime Minister and two deputies saying it will create regional balance and accommodate more communities at the top. On creation of the seat of the official opposition leader, the Governor added that it is important because the opposition in parliament will keep the government of the day on check. Governor Kiraitu also suggested that cabinet secretaries and permanent secretaries at the national Government should come from all counties.

Meru County Deputy Governor Hon. Titus Ntuchiu noted that national government should avoid duplication of functions by devolving some parastatals together with the funds for same roles that are being done by the County Government. Hon. Ntuchiu also said that equalization fund should go directly to the County Government, while on corruption the DG suggested that there should be speedy determination of cases which should not take more than 12 months. On regional government, Ntuchiu pointed out that he does not support it saying that counties are doing enough and that regional economic blocks should be supported. He also added that national government should support graduate from technical institutions as to be able to start business.

Tharaka Nithi Governor Hon. Muthomi on his part suggested that presidential elections should be done one day with other elections as it is for now. He added that the three counties are agricultural counties and therefore there is a need for the National Government to devolve more money to agriculture. His sentiments were echoed by Embu Governor Martin Wambora who said that Meru and Embu counties have the best coffee and tea and therefore more need for more resources to boost angriculture.