Min. of HealthNational Goverment

Ministry of Health Embarks on Mechanism to Strengthen Accountability for Donated Blood

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From health.go.ke

The Ministry of Health, through the Kenya National Blood Transfusion Service has embarked on strengthening blood accountability mechanism, an approach that will ensure regular blood stock taking, maintenance of the national blood inventory management system and electronic tracking of donated blood.

Speaking in Nairobi when she officiated the World Blood Donor Day, Health Principal Secretary Susan Mochache noted that the safety of blood being offered to Kenya is very important and informed that the Ministry has issued a circular on hemovigilance to ensure safety of blood.“ We urge all transfusing facilities comply with this circular to ensure that no contamination of blood occurs from the time a donor gives their blood.” She emphasized.

The PS urged Kenyans who are able to donate blood to so noting that COVID-19 has had an adverse impact on blood services and that our blood needs as a country has increased due to road accidents, increased incidences of cancers and other conditions that require surgery. “ We must all stand up and be counted to in the spirit of this year’s theme of ‘Give blood and keep the world beating’ as blood transfusion is a life-saving treatment with no medical alternative.” She urged.

She  also revealed that the Ministry has embarked on expansion of blood collection centres countrywide and thanked the Council of Governors for partnering with the Blood Service.

The PS also said that the Ministry of Health has developed policies, guidelines and circulars aimed at ensuring that the blood service reforms are realised.  “ The Ministry continues to review these guidelines in line with international blood safety and standards to provide a framework for enhanced safety, efficacy and efficiency of blood services.” She assured.

Ms Mochache appreciated partners who have continued to support blood services in the country including The World Bank, the Kenyatta National Hospital, Life Bank, AMREF, Redcross, LVCT Health, St. John Ambulance, Damusasa, and Kenyans who donate blood regularly.

The World Blood Donor Day is celebrated globally on the 14th of June each year to raise awareness on the need for safe blood and blood products and to highlight the critical contribution that voluntary blood donors make to our health system.