County GovernmentsNyamira County

Leaders Mourn the Loss of Nyamira Governor John Obiero Nyagarma

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The President wished Governor Nyagarama’s family and the people of Nyamira County God’s comfort and fortitude as they come to terms with the County leader’s death. In a condolence message to the Governor’s family, the President eulogised Mr Nyagarama, 74, as a friendly, approachable, wise, witty and kind leader. The President wished Governor Nyagarama’s family and the people of Nyamira County God’s comfort and fortitude as they come to terms with the County leader’s death. — President Uhuru Kenyatta (Twitter/@statehousekenya)

We are saddened by the loss of Nyamira Governor John Nyagarama, a selfless and formidable champion for devolution who was genuinely dedicated to public service. Progressive, steadfast and responsive, Governor Nyagarama was industrious, focussed and firm.

He will be remembered as a leader who built a better, more inclusive and more transformed Nyamira. Our thoughts and prayers to the Nyagarama family, their loved ones, the people of Nyamira and the Governors of Kenya during this time of sorrow. Rest In Peace, Governor Nyagarama. — Deputy President William Ruto (Twitter/@WilliamsRuto)

It is with great sorrow and deep sense of loss that we have learnt of the sudden demise of our brother His Excellency Governor, John Nyagarama which occurred this morning at Nairobi Hospital after a short illness. The Late, was the first and incumbent Governor of the County Government of Nyamira. The Council of Governors has not only lost a great leader, but a focused, action-oriented man who served the people of Nyamira with diligence and love. He was humble and a stickler to administrative order. This was demonstrated during his first tenure where he served in the Education Committee having been a trained, qualified and experienced teacher. We will also miss his wise counsel in the Agriculture Committee where he was a member who was passionate about tea farming having been a tea farmer himself and previously served in various Tea production and regulatory institutions.

On behalf of the Council of Governors I convey our deepest condolences and sympathies to his wife, children, siblings and family and the Nyamira constituents for this great loss. May our prayers serve as comfort for you and your loved ones at this trying time.
Signed — H.E. Hon. Dr. FCPA Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya, EGH, CGJ Chairman, Council of Governors (Twitter/@KenyaGovernors)

I am deeply saddened to learn of Governor John Nyagarama’s death. My sympathies to his family and the people of Nyamira as we mourn his death and reflect on his life. Nyagarama has been an extraordinary partner in strengthening devolution. I will forever cherish moments with him on duty and as personal friends. May His Soul Rest In Eternal Peace. — Party Leader of ODM Raila Odinga

It is a sad morning for the country as we mourn the tragic loss of the Governor of Nyamira County, H.E. John Nyagarama. My sincere condolences and deepest sympathies to his family and the people of Nyamira County. May the Almighty assuage your grief. — Governor of Mombasa Hassan Ali Joho

I have learnt with great shock & sadness, the death of my colleague John Nyagarama, Governor for Nyamira County. The people of Nyamira County and Kenyans, at large, have lost a resilient and hardworking leader. His firm stand on matters of national interest, immense wisdom in articulating issues and dedication to public service made him stand out as a steadfast and principled leader and a highly resourceful and reliable member of the Council of Governors. Our prayers go to the family, friends, relatives and people of Nyamira County during this difficult time of mourning. May God rest his soul in eternal peace. — Governor of Kilifi Amason Kingi (Twitter/@governorkingi)

My heart goes out to the family, friends and people of Nyamira county for the death of Gov. Nyagarama. I knew him as a unique and beautiful paradox of gentleness and strength, humility and dignity, disciple and sage, servant and governor. May the soul of my friend rest in peace. — Senator of Siaya James Orengo (Twitter/@orengo_james)

Devastated by the news of the death of my Governor John Nyangarama. He was a gentle and kind soul. A real mzee and elder in the community who defended the rights of his people. My condolences to his family and the people of Nyamira County. — CS Interior Fred Matiangi (Twitter/@FredMatiangi)

So sad to learn of the passing of Gov. Nyangarama. He was a soft spoken, firm & great leader. My condolences to his family & Gusii Nation. I treasure how he & his wife hosted me in his home & how he took me around Nyamira County. What a loss. Rest in Peace. Covid ni Mbaya Sana. — Governor of Machakos Dr. Alfred Mutua (Twitter/@DrAlfredMutua)

It is with great shock and sadness that I have received the tragic news of the death of Governor John Nyagarama of Nyamira County. On behalf of my family, the entire Judiciary and on my own behalf, I wish to express our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of the Governor, as well as the people of Nyamira. Coming from the same village, I have known Hon. Nyagarama for many years. I last shared a platform with him only a month ago when I officiated over the opening of the Borabu Law Courts. The people of Nyamira have lost a great and focused leader. May the Almighty God grant the Governor’s family the courage and fortitude to bear this loss. — Hon. Justice David K. Maraga, Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court of Kenya. (Twitter/@dkmaraga)

It’s with great shock and sadness that I’ve learned of the passing on of Nyamira County Governor H.E John Nyagarama. On my behalf and that of the people of Nandi, I send our deepest condolences to the family of the late Governor and the people of Nyamira during this moment of sorrow and grief. We have lost a leader and a dedicated servant of the People. Go Thee Well Kiongozi! — Governor of Nandi County Stephen Sang.