County GovernmentsSiaya County

Ksh. 18 Million Market Commissioned in Sigomere Ward Siaya

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From official Siaya County website,

The Siaya County Government yesterday commissioned the construction of Ksh18 million modern market stalls to facilitate efficient business operations within the county. The construction work is expected to be ready in six months according to Siaya County Deputy Governor Dr James Okumbe.

Upon completion; 256 stalls, shades, washrooms, 4 water tanks and floodlights, will be available for use by traders and their clients.

Dr Okumbe who was accompanied by Trade Executive Mr Benard Mboha, Lands Executive Mr Adrian Ouma, Roads Executive Mr Jaoko Oburu, Education Executive Madam Mary Olute, Trade Chief Officer Mr Chris Owanga and three MCAs; Hon. Eng.Erick Odawa (Sigomere), Hon Odero K’Oor (Ugunja) Hon Obiero Otare (Siaya Township), emphasized that the county government is determined to make the business community operate in a conducive atmosphere. “We aspire to create an enabling trading environment for all traders in Siaya and that’s why we are here in Sigomre to commission the modern market,” said Dr Okumbe.

The Deputy Governor further assured the residents that plans are underway to come up with a structured Public Management Committee that will not only see to it that quality projects are established but also ensure that unskilled labour and materials are sourced from within the county.

“We need quality work that is commensurate to the amount of money spent on the projects we undertake, and the PMC is the way to go, ” he said.

Dr Okumbe, also accompanied by the project manager Victor Aduwo who represented the contractor insisted that employing locals from Sigomre will be a priority.

The new market is expected to be a reprieve to traders operating in the current open-air market. Among its major benefits is that it will enhance the capacity of small and medium enterprises. As a result, the movement of goods and people is projected to be swift especially with the newly launched Malomba-Misiko roads adding to the convenience equation.

Trade Executive Mr Mboha warned that if the project is not completed within the stipulated time, the county will not hesitate to reprimand the contractor. His statement was supported by the County Physical Planning authority Engineer Ouma who requested kiosk owners with structures erected on the market access roads to pave way for the contractor.

Taking a different tone, Roads Executive Jaoko Oburu said they are committed to matters of youth empowerment adding that already Ksh 21 million has been set aside for the rehabilitation of roads with youth, women and the disabled expected to take a big portion of the jobs. He further disclosed that an additional Ksh 2.5 million has been set aside to put up culverts and prepare isolated areas on the newly launched road