County GovernmentsKirinyaga County

Kirinyaga County Assembly have passed a motion to remove H.E Anne Mumbi Waiguru from the Office of the Governor by Impeachment

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Debate on the impeachment motion against H.E Governor Anne Mumbi Waiguru, went on at a sitting chaired by the Speaker Hon. Anthony Gathumbi. Mutira MCA, Hon. David Kinyua Wangui tabled a Special Motion to impeach Kirinyaga Governor HE Anne Mumbi Waiguru. The motion was supported by a 2/3 majority.

The County Assembly therefore resolved to remove Hon. Anne Mumbi Waiguru from the Office of the County Governor of Kirinyaga, pursuant to Article 181 (1) (a) & (c) of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Section 33 of the County Governments Act, 2012 and the County Assembly Standing Order. No 58 on among others the following grounds.

Gross violation of the Constitution

  • Failing to deliver the annual State of the County address to the County Assembly violating Articles 1,3 and 73 of the Constitution.
  • Undermining the Authority of the County Assembly violating Article 172&185 of the Constitution and Section 8 of the County Governments Act 2012.
  • Violation of Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act 2015 and the Public Finance Management Act 2012.The Governor has violated Section 46 of the Public Procurement and disposal of Assets Act 2015 by usurping the powers of the accounting officer in establishing an irregular tender evaluation committee, composed of the governors’ partisan staff.The governor’s said actions of interfering with the constitution of the tender evaluation committees is meant to compromise the integrity of the tendering process and the same is driven by nepotism, favoritism, improper and ulterior motives, and for corrupt purposes in complete disregard of the provisions of Article 73(2) (b) and Article 73(2)(c).

Abuse of office and gross misconduct.

  • The governor used her office to improperly confer a benefit to herself when she was irregularly paid for travel allowances by way of imprests amounting to Ksh 10, 634, 614/= yet she did not travel.
  • In complete disregard of the law and against the advice of the County Public Service Board the Governor has continued to have the Board of KIDA paid outside the IFMIS and County Government Payroll, which action amounts to an abuse of office and the same has contravened the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act and the Salaries and Remuneration Commission Act.