Min. Foreign AffairsNational Goverment

Kenya and United Kingdom Relations

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Nairobi. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary, Amb (Dr.) Monica Juma this afternoon hosted Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, Hon. Jeremy Hunt. CS Juma received Hon. Jeremy Hunt at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs headquarters where they held discussions on the Kenya-UK relations. The Foreign Ministers addressed trade and investment matters between the two countries, their standing on post-Brexit and security matters.

On post-Brexit, CS Juma noted; “It is our expectation that our two countries will enjoy greater cooperation and a deeper relationship in the post Brexit era. I am confident that given the assurances by the Prime Minister The Rt. Hon Theresa May in August 2018 that there will be no disruption to our trade and we look forward to continue with the duty-free Quota market access for Kenyan goods in the UK market.”

On the investment aspect, it was noted that Kenya is setting the trend in the Africa region, and Hon. Hunt commended CS Juma for this.

“Kenya is experiencing renewed growth and transformation and remains a natural choice for investors. Following the signing of the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) by African Head of States in March 2018, Kenya is a preferred destination for investors in Africa. I hope that our engagement at the Economic Development Forum will give impetus for companies from the two countries to create business to business relations and utilize opportunities that we have created especially over 182 flagship projects under the Big 4 priority sectors,” — Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary, Amb (Dr.) Monica Juma.

Mr. Hunt commended Kenya for their role in the pursuit of regional peace and security: in the Somalia peace process, South Sudan and Sudan. The two Ministers held a joint press briefing after their talks.