Min. Foreign AffairsNational Goverment

Kenya and Botswana Sign Three Pacts Within Joint Permanent Commission for Cooperation

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NAIROBI, 22 July 2019 (MFA)…Kenya’s Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Ambassador Monica Juma and her Botswana counterpart Hon. Ambassador Unity Dow, Monday co-chaired the Ministerial Segment of the 5th Session of the Kenya-Botswana Joint Permanent Commission for Cooperation (JPCC) in Nairobi and thereafter signed the agreed minutes of the technical committee held earlier in the week. 

Kenya and Botswana enjoy excellent relations founded on shared interests both at the bilateral and multilateral fora. The JPCC served as a preparatory meeting for the State Visit to Kenya by His Excellency Dr. Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi, President of the Republic of Botswana who visited on the 22-24 July 2019.

“The State Visit immediately after the JPCC is a clear demonstration of commitment by our two Heads of State to further strengthen the existing cooperation between our two countries. It is therefore important that we present them with practical outcomes”. — Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Ambassador Monica Juma

H.E President Dr Masisi and President Uhuru Kenyatta witnessed the signing of three pacts which covered trade, air transport and ICT. CS Amb Monica Juma and her counterpart Hon Unity Dow signed the avoidance of double taxation agreement. The others were Bilateral Air Service Agreement (BASA) and the Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in Information, Communication and Technology. The two leaders promised to work closely to strengthen cooperation in mineral exploitation, livestock breeding, trade, tourism, agriculture and agribusiness sectors. Earlier CS Juma applauded both delegations for commitment shown during the JPCC which covered trade, investment, health, political, agriculture, tourism, wildlife conservation, immigration and security commitment.

Hon. Amb. Unity Dow, emphasized the need to deepen and enhance the strong bilateral cooperation between the two countries.  She commended Kenya for her active role in efforts towards finding peace and stability in the Horn of Africa and fighting against terrorism at home and in the continent as a whole. During the visit, Kenya hosted a Kenya Botswana Business Forum that discussed business opportunities available between the two countries within the framework of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) that is now in force. The Botswana delegation also paid a visit to the Agro Processing Plant in Athi River, Ngorongo Tea factory in Kiambu and Communication Authority in Kenya.