County GovernmentsLaikipia County

Kariunga, Mutirithia And Naibor Water For Production On Course

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Kariunga, Mutirithia, and Naibor (KAMUNA) integrated small-scale irrigation project in Segera Ward is 45% complete. The project is targeting 300 households translating to 2,000 persons.

The project is being implemented by the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries in partnership with the Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Project (KCSAP) at the cost of Ksh 29.5 million.

The project scope involves:

  • Construction of water irrigation infrastructure.
  • Promotion of efficient irrigation methods.
  • Promotion of high-value fruit trees.
  • Promotion of high-value horticulture crops.

The department will also introduce fish farming, intensified livestock production, aggregation, market access, farmer organization, and capacity building.

The work components for the project will comprise of constructing a 5km supply and distribution line from Kariunga dam to Jua Kali, 4km supply and distribution line for Mutirithia borehole, 5km supply and distribution line for Habitat borehole, two 225 m3 masonry storage tanks, rehabilitation of Naibor Dam, and supply of 300 1/4 drip kits.

The county department of agriculture will introduce tomatoes farming as the reference crop for irrigation in the ward. The department targets 75 acres to put under tomato farming as water will be readily available throughout all seasons. The projected total yield per acre is 16,000kgs, and with a kilo retailing at Ksh. 30. The estimated income for farmers will be Ksh 480,000 per acre. Successful implementation of 75 acres for tomatoes farming will earn farmers Ksh 36 million per season. The department hopes with a good reticulation system for water, each household can set aside a 1/4 acre for agriculture irrigation, particularly tomatoes, which can increase their income to Ksh. 120,000 per season.

The project will create employment opportunities for 300 farmers to engage in full-time farming, with over 600 persons employed as casual laborers on farms. The agriculture department and her partners have trained 300 farmers on good agronomic practices, value addition, and marketing.

The project will also spur business growth by introducing an aggregation center, cold storage, value addition. The department will put farmers into a marketing platform-producer organization.

The department is also targeting fodder improvement and is already engaging 30 targeted lead model farmers with each setting aside 1 acre with reference grass being Rhodes. This will support livestock production by availing enough fodder as an acre is expected to yield 200 bales per season. Hay farming is done twice per year, and the department targets the model farmers to produce 12,000 in the first year.

The dairy sector is expected to increase milk production from the current 5 liters per cow per day to 15 liters as there will be improved pastures in the area.