Kajiado County

Kajiado County COVID-19 Update

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From kajiado.go.ke

The County Government of Kajiado is keenly monitoring illegal migrants from hotspot areas within the country and neighboring Tanzania.

We note with a lot of concerning of residents not adhering to the directives issued by government especially in our major towns.

Today we report 1 new case, making a total of 8 cases ( 6 active, 2 recoveries and 0 deaths ) reported since 13th March, 2020.The patient a male aged 33years was detected by our surveillance teams at saina estate of Kajiado  town on 7th may, he had traveled from Eastleigh in Nairobi despite the current restrictions on movement, he was taken to our Namanga Quarantine facility. Currently, he has been transferred to KCRH isolation and treatment unit. Contact tracing ongoing.By today a total of 358 tests have been conducted for cases in isolation and Quarantine centres. In addition samples for over 200 truck drivers coming through Namanga and Ilasit borders have been collected and sent to KEMRI for testing, the results are being awaited.

More than 30 contacts of confirmed cases have been traced and transferred to our quarantine facilities.

We wish to remind our residents to observe all prevention measures and support government efforts of containing the pandemic.

For information and inquiries kindly call our multi agency hotline numbers 0745748991 and 0789336316.

Stay Safe