Manendeleo Chap ChapPolitical Parties

Hope for a Fresh Start in Kenya as BBI Amendments Process Enters Critical Stage

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From Twitter/@DrAlfredMutua

I have today participated in the national launch of the BBI signature collection to validate the process for improving the way Kenya is governed. I was among a few leaders who appended their signatures at the launch. I attended the function wearing several hats — as the Party Leader of Maendeleo Chap Chap Party, the Party’s 2022 Presidential flag bearer and also as the Governor of Machakos County.

Kenyans are thirsty for rapid economic growth that provides jobs, good healthcare, ensures food security and more money in their pockets, among many other socio- economic needs. The BBI amendments are providing a foundation for equitable economic growth as a matter of right as well as changing governance to ensure a more peaceful and stable country which is an enabling factor to our socio- economic emancipation.

Once approved, among other key people – centred benefits, BBI will pour almost three times more money to counties, ensure equity in leadership participation and state appointments and ensure development to all parts of Kenya. Importantly, the BBI will promote investment and entrepreneurship for jobs at the grassroots and cushion the youth from the current hostile environment.

It will also effectively deal a great blow to corruption and a culture of fairness instituted so that every Kenyan’s dreams can be fulfilled without hindrances, nepotism, tribalism or bribery. Corruption has made the cost of doing business in Kenya impossible and deprived Kenyans their right to services. It’s time to slay it with practical and punitive measures through the Constitution.

As we move our country forward, Kenyans must be weary of dishonest leaders. The BBI process had taken over two years with consultations held in every county. Those saying consultations have not been done are being dishonest. Even after the draft bill was revealed a few weeks ago, I had personally participated in meetings where more suggestions were brought on board. The reality is that Kenya is not where it is supposed to be.

It’s time to improve the prescription and medicine we have, to alleviate the pains we suffer and rise as the great country we are. I’m pleased to be at the forefront supporting the BBI process because it’s going to make life for Kenyans better now and in the years to come. I urge all Kenyans of goodwill to append their signatures in support of this process. This is a process that will empower ordinary Kenyans through the law so that they no longer rely on handouts and tokens from politicians.

That’s why politicians who thrive on this model of backward politics are scared and opposed to it. They are using LIES & PROPAGANDA to hoodwink Kenyans but Kenyans are able to see through their smokescreen. Arise patriotic Kenyans na tujivunie Kuwa Wakenya. God bless Kenya.

Governor of Machaokos Dr. Alfred Mutua