County GovernmentsSiaya County

Governor Rasanga Launches More Health Facilities In Siaya

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His Excellency Cornel Rasanga Amoth, Governor, Siaya, has assured Siaya residents on speed distribution of drugs to health facilities within the County.

The governor has maintained that the facilities have four months stock of antimalarial and other essential commodities which are key in delivering quality healthcare in Siaya.

The governor while launching KSh. 3.7 million Manyonge dispensary project in North Sakwa yesterday and another one today in Nyadhi, Central Alego said that health department has restocked facilities with drugs that can sustain them for close to four months.

The county chief who was accompanied by his deputy His Excellency Dr. James Okumbe, asked the department of health to be prompt and not wait for the stock to be depleted so as to request for a new consignment. He advised them to see to it that the process is continuous to ensure that facilities are never starved of drugs.

Speaking in Nyadhi today His Excellency the governor assured the citizens that all dispensaries within Central Alego will be elevated to health centers by end of his term.

So far child deliveries in health facilities in the region have improved to 7 deliveries per month according to statistics.

Deputy Governor, H.E.Dr. James Okumbe asked all elected leaders, county staff and Siaya residents to give  support to the governor in order to leave a legacy.

The County Health Executive Mrs. Dorothy Owino reiterated  that there is steady supply of drugs in the health facilities while assuring that issues of drugs will no longer reverse efforts of the department to accord locals quality healthcare.

Other leaders present included CEC Roads, Hon. Dismus Wakla, CO Governance, Mr. Joseph Omondi, CO Health Dr. Omondi Owino, CO Roads Eng. James Onyango,Director Health Mr. Ken Orwenjo among other leaders.