County GovernmentsMachakos County

Governor Mutua Meets in CAS Industrialization, Trade, and Enterprise Development

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From @DrAlfredMutua, Machakos County Governor Dr Alfred Muta

I was pleased to host Hon. Lawrence Karanja, Chief Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise development, in my Machakos office.

We discussed ways of empowering my people of Machakos so that they can get more money in their pockets. The CAS had toured Machakos to assess the impact the current Covid-19 pandemic has had on micro and small enterprises.

We discussed some practical measures that the Government can put in place to mitigate the negative impact of the pandemic on businesses in Machakos and Kenya at large. I’m pleased with the projects the ministry of enterprise development is undertaking in Machakos because they go along way in complementing my governments policy of rolling back poverty by creating wealth and employment through business.

Some of these projects include :

  1. Construction and equipping of constituency Industrial Development Centers (CIDC) in order to provide a conducive environment for SMEs.
  2. Provision of development services and grants to youths through the Kenya Youth employment and opportunity projects (KYEOP), a programme meant to economically empower the youth in our country.
  3. Operationalization of the MSME Fund.

My government will continue to partner with the Ministry in piloting the MSME Fund in Machakos County. I will personally traverse the entire county from next week to sensitize my people on Covid-19 measures, including economic programs that empower our men, women and youth.