Min. of HealthNational Goverment

Government Discharges 72 Recoveries of COVID 19

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The government has today discharged 72 patients from various hospitals who have recovered from the COVID-19.

This now brings to 1,164, the total number of those who have so far recovered from the disease, the Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) for Health, Dr. Rashid Aman announced today.

“This is good news and a clear indication that the country can overcome the disease,” Dr. Rashid said and noted that Coronavirus disease is not a death sentence.  One can recover. “We will continue to appeal to Kenyans to adhere to the containment measures, if we are to flatten our infection curve,”  he added.

The CAS also announced that out of the 2,419 samples tested in the last 24 hours, 90 people have tested positive for Covid 19 bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 3,305.  So far 108,666 tests have been done in the country.

All the positive cases are Kenyans, with 62 of them being males and 28 females. The youngest is 14 years old, while the oldest is 80.

From the 90 cases, Nairobi  has 36 cases, Mombasa, 34, Busia, 12, Uasin Gishu, three, while Kilifi, Garissa, Kisumu, Meru and Turkana  have one case each.

Nairobi cases are from Kibra, 12, Makadara and Mathare, five cases each, Kamukunji, four, Langata, three, Westlands and Embakasi Central, two each, Dagoretti North, Embakasi West and Embakasi South one each.

In Mombasa, the 34 cases are from Mvita, 14, Kisauni, eight, Likoni, Jomvu and Changamwe four cases each.  In Busia, all the 12 cases are of truck drivers at Malaba border point.

Garissa has one case from Garissa Township, Kilifi, one case from Kilifi North, Kisumu one case from Kisumu Central, Meru one case from Imenti Central and Turkana one case, Turkana west.

“Unfortunately the country has also lost four people from the disease bringing the total number of fatalities to 96,” he noted and urged Kenyans to strictly observe the Covid-19 containment measures because they are the only known modes of behaviour to successfully fight the virus.

Dr.  Francis Kuria, the Ag. Director of Health added that its becoming a concern for the government especially when most restaurants and eateries have decided to prolong the curfew time.

Since the normal curfew was extended top 9.00  P.M, Dr. Kuria said a lot of restaurants have also extended their hours with most of them opening up  until 10.00 pm contrary to the protocol.

He disclosed that the Ministry is currently reviewing the protocols on eaters and restaurants upwards and urged Kenyans to be responsible and adhere to the current protocol..

‘Those disobeying the orders will  see their permits withdrawn permanently and  they should not bother to re-apply since we will make sure that it does not go through,” he said.

Dr. Kuria has also warned those who are flouting social distancing rules at funerals. “I want to urge those attending burials not to  let more than 15 people  participate and we are working with the law enforcement offices to ensure that this is adhered to,” he noted.

In regard to the homebased care isolation protocol, Dr. Kuria disclosed  that the government has discharged 288 people under the pilot programme among them 15 breast feeding mothers.