Manendeleo Chap ChapPolitical Parties

Gov. Alfred Mutua Meets with Representatives from Mt. Kenya East

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From @DrAlfredMutua

Yesterday afternoon, 1 held a wonderful session on the KENYA WE WANT with elected and nominated MCA’s and other grassroots leaders from Meru, Embu and Tharaka Nithi Counties. I was pleased that on top of MCA’s elected on Maendeleo Chap Chap ticket, others from different political parties including Jubilee, have warmed up to my call for a NEW WAY of doing things in Kenya. In the meeting, we openly brainstormed why, despite our numerous resources and abilities as a nation and people, Kenyans are still wallowing in poverty and life is becoming tougher everyday for ordinary Kenyans.

In the end, we agreed that Kenya needs RADICAL CHANGE and a SHIFT from the NORMAL way of doing things that we have been accustomed to since independence. We agreed that Kenya needs a new leader who has not been part of the baggage of the past. A leader who has the track record, energy, integrity, exposure and will-power to cause change. A leader who is not ethnically polarized. A SAFE pair of hands.

I’m elated by their urge that I STEP UP and OPENLY DECLARE my candidature to be the 5th President of the Republic of Kenya. I’m also pleased by their assurance of support including mobilization and set up of effective campaign structures at all levels in their region. The solutions to our problems lie in our hands. We must think about the ECONOMY and FUTURE GENERATIONS. With the right leader, Kenya is ripe for an ECONOMIC BOOM.

I am ready to transform the lives of all Kenyans so that we can have more money in our pockets and to live quality lives. Thank you Majirani wetu. The dialogue continues. Inawezekana na Itawezekana.

Dr. Alfred N. Mutua, EGH Maendeleo Chap Chap Party Leader and Governor of Machakos.