Ethics and Anti-Corruption CommissionIndependent Commissions

Former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu and Wife Jailed Over Ksh 588 Million Graft

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From Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission X/@EACCKenya

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) welcomes the sentencing of former Kiambu Governor and his associates in the Kes588 million graft case. The former Kiambu Governor has been sentenced to 12 years imprisonment or a fine of Ksh 52,749,000 for the offenses of conflict of interest and dealing with suspect property, whereas his wife, Ms. Susan Wangari Ndung’u, was sentenced to one-year imprisonment or a fine of Kes500,000 for dealing with suspect property.

The Court also sentenced former Chief Officer for Roads, Luka Wahinya to 7 years imprisonment or a fine of Ksh 21 million for abuse of office. In addition, Charles Chege and his wife Beth Wangeci, co-directors of Testimony Enterprises Limited, were sentenced for engaging in fraudulent practice and fraudulent acquisition of public property.

Chege will serve 11 years in prison or pay a fine of Ksh 297,048,110, while Wageci will serve 3 years imprisonment or pay Ksh 1.4 million fine. The conviction of Governor Waititu marks a significant milestone in the fight against corruption, as it comes barely a year after the former Samburu Governor Moses Kasaine Lenolkulal was convicted for corruption offenses related to conflict of interest. Besides the criminal sanctions meted out against Waititu, the Commission is pursuing recovery for unexplained assets against the former Governor amounting to Ksh 1.9 billion. The civil case is pending judgement.