Min of Interior and Coord Natl Gov

Emergence of Reckless Inciteful Political Utterances

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Press Release

I have noted with great concern an emerging trend of political leaders recklessly uttering hate speech and inciting the public to violence. The national police service shall not tolerate such incidents. I have given firm instructions to all police officers to deal decisively with such perpetrators.

My attention is drawn to social media postings and utterances by these political leaders intended to reach a wide audience of innocent readers and spread the hateful remarks further. Let us be aware that any individual who incites or threatens violence against people based on ethnic, political and/or religious affiliations on social media, print media and in public gatherings commits a serious offence and will face drastic legal action.

I take seriously any threats that affect security of the people and their property. Police officers and investigators have important roles to play in responding to these incidences of hate speech and incitement to violence.

The National Police Service will leave no opportunity to any leader intending to incite the general public to violence. Such incitement shall be faced with the full force of the law.

We urge members of the public to resist any attempts by the leaders or any other individual to incite them to violence.

We also wish to assure the public that the security agencies are alert and shall protect all individuals and their properties in the country. We shall work in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies to strengthen and ensure that there are concerted efforts to enforce the law against individuals and groups attempting to cause breaches of peace, as well as risk the peoples safety and security.

Hillary N. Mutyambai
National Police Service