Ethics and Anti-Corruption CommissionIndependent Commissions

EACC Investigates National Treasury Deputy Director’s Unexplained Wealth

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From @EACCKenya

EACC conducted an inquiry into allegations of unexplained wealth of Charles Muia Mutiso, Deputy Director External Resources at The National Treasury. It is alleged that he amassed wealth through misappropriation and embezzlement of public funds between April 2015-April 2020.

Preliminary investigations have established that Charles Muia Mutiso is employed at The National Treasury as Deputy Director External Resources since 16th Jul 2014. He joined the Ministry of Finance and Planning (External Resource Department) as an Economist on 31st Jul 2002.

Investigations have revealed that Charles Mutiso earned a monthly net salary of Kshs. 144,675.60, as at 30th April 2020 and an average net of Kshs 118,691.17 from 1st April 2015 to 30th April 2020. During this period, he earned a cumulative net income of Kshs 7,148,991.25.

EACC applied to court for warrants to investigate accounts held in various banks by Charles Mutiso. On the basis of court orders, the Commission obtained bank statements in respect of the said bank accounts.

Analysis of the flow of funds in his bank accounts revealed that he received numerous unexplained inward remittances, EFTs and cash deposits outside his salary from the National Treasury.

Investigations further established a pattern of frequent large cash deposits made mostly through the ATM or the drop box. For instance, in June 2015, he made five cash deposits of Kshs 400,000 each into his account at Absa Group account amounting to Kshs 2M over just few days.

EACC obtained preservation orders to freeze Charles Mutiso’s assets that include the following; Two (2) ABSA Group Ltd accounts with Kshs. 23,452,775.65 and Kshs. 5,843,390.35 respectively. A Co-op Bank account with Kshs. 1,932,167.53 and KCB account Kshs. 5,557,735.20.

Investigations have confirmed that he has a total of Kshs 36,786,068.73 in his various bank accounts which EACC has frozen. His other properties include: LR No Nairobi/Block 140/775, LR No 209/12108, LR No 209/16764, Donyo Sabuk/Kiboko Block 1/908 and Matungulu Sengani/3503.

It is apparent that there is a huge disproportion between Charles Mutiso’s assets and his known legitimate income. In accordance with the law, he shall have an opportunity to explain as investigations continue.