Min. of Toursim and WildlifeNational Goverment

CS Najib Balala Launches Amboseli Park Planning Documents

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[Hon. Najib Balala] officially launched a 10-year Amboseli National Park Management Plan and Amboseli Ecosystem Management Plan (2020-2030). The management plans will enhance biodiversity and conservation in Amboseli, while bettering the lives of the local community.

Funds have been disbursed to community rangers as directed by H.E. the President in the 8 Point Economic Stimulus, to cushion rangers from the adverse effects of COVID-19. [The Ministry is] lobbying with the National Treasury for the same to happen in the coming Financial year.

In partnership with UNDP and Kenya Wildlife Service the newly Refurbished Kilimanjaro Guest houses in Amboseli has been re-opened. The guest houses are affordable, fully furnished and have comfortable rooms for accommodation, within the park.

[The CS also] launched the Amboseli Command Centre. The Command Centre will monitor data from satellite collared wildlife, of different species. The Centre will track their movements within the Amboseli eco system, to mitigate human wildlife conflict and poaching.