Min. Transport Infras Housing Urban Dev.National Goverment

CS Macharia Inspects Preliminary Construction Works on Kenol-Sagana-Marua Highway Expansion Project

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From @JamesMacharia_ CS James Macharia, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development

CS James Macharia today inspected the preliminary construction works on the Kenol – Sagana – Marua Highway expansion project, which will be launched soon by H.E. President Uhuru Kenyatta. The government is expanding the 84 km long highway into a four-lane dual carriageway to reduce congestion on this critical road.

The Kenol – Sagana – Marua Highway expansion project is part of a larger undertaking to link the Northern Corridor (Mombasa – Malaba) to the LAPSSET Corridor that links Lamu port to South Sudan and Ethiopia through Isiolo / Northern Kenya.