County GovernmentsMin. of Sports Culture & HeritageMombasa County

Concrete Sea Wall to Protect Fort Jesus Foundation Almost Complete

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From @PDUDelivery

The outer wall & foundation of the iconic Fort Jesus was under threat due to rising water levels & erosion caused by sea waves. To protect and preserve the historic monument which is a popular tourists’ attraction, the National Government embarked on the construction of this concrete sea wall.

This sea wall was built at a cost of over Ksh.400 million and is now 95 per cent complete. The wall will ensure that Fort Jesus monument and its rich history is preserved for future generations. The wall has been fortified using heavy steel metal and its concrete cured over time. Once commissioned, this project and its environs will bolster the tourism sector by offering recreational facilities such as ocean viewing platforms, swimming pool and curio shops.

This project has been undertaken by the National Government through the National Museums of Kenya. In a sustainability report UNESCO notes that such coastal facilities are under threat due to climate change.