County GovernmentsLaikipia County

Base Pay On Quality Of Our Animals, Pastoralists Tell KMC

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Livestock keepers in Laikipia demanded better prices and timely payments for their premium beef during their meeting with Kenya Meat Commission management, The County Government, and other stakeholders.

They asked the KMC not just to determine prices based on animal weight, but also through considering other factors such as the quality.

Stakeholders in the meeting, the Kenya Railways, Ilngwesi, Musul, Olaramat, Tiamamut, Murpusi; group ranches, NRT Trading, Melau Naiyeu, Oloingok, Laikipia Livestock Marketing Cooperatives as aggregators, Classic Meat Centre and Livestock ranchers, Oldonyo and Ol’lentile.

Laikipia County, being the ideal home of the world-acclaimed Borana cattle, is among high-quality beef in the region. It also exports frozen Borana embryos to several countries.

Pricing by only looking at the weight disadvantages Laikipia farmers who produce better quality beef, Governor Ndiritu Muriithi said.

The KMC has been moving across the country trying to win back the confidence of skeptical livestock keepers as it seeks to satiate an increasing demand for animal protein.

KMC committed to pay within three days after delivery for the farmers to be in business.