ANCPolitical Parties

ANC Calls for Calm as Party Processes Secretary-General Replacement

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Press Release

Following the resignation of Barrack Muluka as Secretary General of Amani National Congress (ANC) Party on Wednesday, the Party has been inundated with anxiety inquiries from its rank and file, and speculation and conspiracy theories from its detractors and competitors. The latter category should keep off internal ANC affairs and reserve their gossip and intrigues to issues that bedevil their own parties.

For members, followers and supporters of ANC, I reassure them that all is alright with their Party. There is no vacuum following the resignation as the Party machinery has already seamlessly kicked in. We should therefore guard against designs to disorient and disorganise us from our steadfast loyalty to our Party and Party Leader Hon Musalia Mudavadi.

We appreciate the service Barrack gave to the party for three years and wish him success in future vocations.

Meanwhile, the ANC National Executive views the resignation as an opportunity to re- engineer the party in preparation for internal elections and the forthcoming general elections. We therefore appeal to ANC adherents to recommit themselves to Party ideals and the vision of our Party Leader Hon Musalia Mudavadi. We take consolation that ANC is not the only party that’s restructuring. The difference is that ours is a smooth participatory process credited to an extremely sober and committed membership, followers and supporters.

The ANC Constitution provides for elaborate mechanism and processes of filling vacant positions. There therefore should be no cause for alarm or panic. I call for patience as the transition and succession is being managed by organs of the party as provided for in the Party Constitution.

ANC members and the public will be updated of progress at every step.

Kelvin Lunani ANC National Chairman