County GovernmentsMachakos County

Shalom Hospital, Athi River, COVID-19 Update

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From @DrAlfredMutua Governor Machakos County Dr. Alfred Mutua

Of the 139 samples collected after the hospital was viewed as an infection transmission location, 16 have so far come back positive, with more results being awaited for from the National Public Health Laboratories in Nairobi. Of the 16 COVID-19 positive cases at Shalom Hospital, Athi River, six (6) are healthcare workers. The others are patients in the hospital. Health care workers at the private hospital have been working without Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) while dealing with suspected COVID-19 patients.

Great concern with Shalom’s operations arose after a patient died in a general ward of COVID-19. My officers ordered quarantining of the ward of 26 for two weeks. However, Shalom hospital admitted additional 4 new patients into the quarantined ward exposing them to danger.