Min. Transport Infras Housing Urban Dev.National Goverment

Appointment of the Director General of the Kenya Urban Roads Authority

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Press Release: CS James Macharia

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Eng. Silas Murira Kinoti as the Director General/CEO of the Kenya Urban Roads Authority, effective June 18, 2020. Eng. Kinoti’s appointment follows a competitive and transparent recruitment process that was conducted by the Board of KURA.

Until his appointment, Eng. Kinoti served as Acting Director General of KURA, a position he held since September 2015. He has over 20 years of engineering experience in the public sector and has overseen the implementation of many key road projects across Kenya. Eng. Kinoti joined KURA in 2009 as Manager (Roads) and was later promoted to General Manager (Panning and Environment), a position he excelled in prior to his appointment as Acting Director General in September 2015.

Eng. Kinoti holds a Master in Business Administration (Corporate Management) from KCA University, and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Degree from the University of Nairobi. He is registered as a Professional Engineer with the Engineers Board of Kenya (EBK) and is a Corporate Member of the Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK).

On behalf of my Ministry, and the Board of KURA, I wish to congratulate Eng. Kinoti on his appointment and wish him well in his new role. We are confident that Eng. Kinoti’s skills and wealth of experience position him well to drive KURA forward and to champion the Urban Roads Agenda in the country.

KURA is a State Corporation under the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works, established by the Kenya Road Act 2007 with the core mandate of management, development, rehabilitation and maintenance of national and urban trunk roads.