Min. Foreign AffairsNational Goverment

UN Security Council Urged to Increase AMISOM Funding

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On 12th July 2019 Kenya convened the first Political Consultative meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of AMISOM Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) in Nairobi. AMISOM’s current Troops Contributing Countries (TCCs) are Kenya, Burundi, Ethiopia, Uganda and Djibouti. In her opening remarks, Cabinet Secretary Amb. Monica Juma emphasized the importance of the political dialogue with regional and international partners with a view to evaluate the status of AMISOM in relations to its mandate taking into account the realities on the ground.

“The prevailing insecurity poses a grave threat not only to Somalia but also to peace and security in the region and Africa at large,” the CS noted, adding that the Horn of Africa is faced with the challenge of growing networks amongst terrorist organizations.

In an effort to restore peace and political stability in Somalia, The African Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) in January 2007 created AMISOM a regional peace keeping mission, which was later authorized by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in February 2007. In execution of its mandate, AMISOM has registering significant progress that led to positive development in Somalia including the election of a new government in February 2017.

Unfortunately, CS Juma noted, “AMISOM continues to face numerous challenges including security threats, gross underfunding, inadequate logistical support and deficiency in force multipliers and enablers. These challenges persist against a backdrop of a numerous internal and external factors that have a bearing on the execution of AMISOMs mandate.”

The TCCs called upon the international partners to continue supporting AMISOM and the Federal Government of Somalia in their effort to stabilize Somalia, while expressing concerns of grave implications of the AMISOM troops troop drawdown on Somalia’s peace and state building process. The troops contributing countries stressed the importance of a well thought out plan on troop drawdown as this would have a great ramification on peace and security. The UNSC resolution 2472 of 2019 directed Member States of the AU to maintain deployment of AMISOM until 31st May 2020.   

The TCCs also encouraged all levels of government of Somalia to invest in building mutual trust and confidence and have dialogue to enable them resolve any outstanding issues amicably with a view to consolidate stability. Countries represented at the meeting included Kenya, Burundi, Ethiopia, Uganda and Djibouti. Partners present were United States of America, European Union, United Kingdom, United Nations, France and China.