County GovernmentsNairobi City County

Sonko mourns Moi, Roots for Unity and inclusivity

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Nairobi governor Mike Sonko has called on all the elected leaders to embrace the spirit of national unity and inclusivity in the country. Sonko challenged leaders to avoid aligning themselves and marshaling political support on tribal lines. He was speaking after joining thousands of Kenyan in viewing and paying respect to the body of the former President Daniel Arap Moi, which is lying-in-state at Parliament Buildings. “Mzee Moi set a big precedence on matters of national unity and appointments that reflected the true face of Kenya,” said Sonko.

The City Governor noted that Mzee Moi found a way of making all communities feel part of the government. He added that his administration has done great on distribution of free milk to schools as it was done during Moi’s era.

“Every time, Mzee Moi spoke about unity, and he always did this in every corner of this country, actually we have done a lot on matters distributing free milk to schools in Nairobi.” said Sonko. Sonko called on governors across all the 47 counties to emulate the late President Moi when they make public appointments.

“We have to consider everyone without looking at their tribe or political inclination and give them an equal opportunity,” Sonko added. Sonko, who spent most of his youthful days at the coast, recalled how Moi valued the coastal region through his appointments in public service.

“He was a frequent visitor to the coast and he made a lot of friends in the region and almost every other part of this country,” he said.

The City boss explained that Moi’s death should give Kenyans a more valid reason to rally behind the Building Bridges Initiative( BBI) Through his Sonko Rescue Team outfit, the governor has since the death of Moi stationed a number of trucks across the county for the residents to catch up with the happenings around the funeral arrangements. The trucks will also be doing rounds to push for the BBI clarion call across the county.

” Moi wanted national unity and that is what the BBI is all about. So we are fully behind it and this has been my message since the handshake,” he said.

Sonko promised to support youth groups enhancing peace across the country.