JubileePolitical Parties

Jubilee SG Raphael Tuju Involved in Road Accident

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Press Release

The Party Secretary General Hon. Raphael Tuju, was on February 12, 2020 involved in a road accident on his way to Kabarak to witness the interment of the later former President, H.E. Daniel arap Moi.

The victims were rushed to AIC Kijabe Hospital for emergency treatment. The hospital received 18 patients from the incident, three of whom were evacuated, three treated and discharged, six were in theatre for management, while the rest continue to receive medical care while admitted.

At the request of the family members, the SG was airlifted to Nairobi from AIC Kijabe Hospital after undergoing an emergency surgery to stabilise him for transfer to Karen Hospital, Nairobi. He is currently under the good care of his personal doctor and will require ample time to fully recover from his injuries.