Min. Public Service, Gender and Senior Citizen AffairsNational Goverment

State House Feted for Performance Contract Performance

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From CS Public Service, Gender and Senior Citizen Affairs, Prof Margaret Kobia from Facebook/ www.facebook.com/pg/CSMargaretKobia/

Was pleased to preside over an event to celebrate the exemplary performance of State House as one of the top three best performing institutions for the Financial Year 2019/2020. State House came second in the Ministerial category comprising State House, Office of the Deputy President, Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice and 21 Ministries.

I’m pleased to see that our efforts to reinvigorate Performance Management as an accountability tool in the public service has been met with dedication and support from the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs). The Performance Contracting model in Kenya has been recognized continentally and globally and we are keen that Kenya regains its position in the region as a leader in effective, professional and efficient public service that delivers to its citizens.