Judiciary and Law Enforcement

CJ Opens Regional Conference on Witness Protection

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From CJ Martha Koome from Twitter/@CJMarthaKoome

Opened a regional conference in Nairobi on witness protection under the theme ‘Harnessing Shared Experiences to Enhance Collaboration and Linkages for Effective Witness Protection in Africa.’ Witnesses play an indispensable role in the justice system. They provide the information, intelligence and evidence which enable offenders to be brought to justice.

The successful prosecution of crimes largely depends on securing reliable evidence, including the testimony of witnesses. When witnesses withdraw from proceedings due to intimidation or actual harm, securing convictions often becomes impossible. Criminal justice systems ought to put in place effective witness protection programmes. These programmes should be geared towards assistance, support and facilitation of witnesses to enable them participate effectively in the criminal justice process.

The fight against crimes often faces the challenge of intimidation of witnesses, which is one of the defining characteristics of criminal organisations. Offering protection to witnesses is indispensable in order to obtain and sustain their collaboration. I commend Kenya and South Africa which have led the way for other African countries in enacting laws and operationalising witness projection programmes.

Other African countries should put in place witness protection laws and programmes as part of our collective continental efforts geared towards rooting out the culture of corruption, piracy, terrorism and impunity among other organised crimes. States taking part in the conference especially from Africa, should explore the formation of a regional association on witness protection. This will be a pivotal outcome as a building block towards increased awareness and networking amongst member States.