County GovernmentsMeru County

Kiraitu Transforms Meru Art Industry

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Governor Kiraitu make history in Kenya by initiating a key empowerment program for Meru upcoming and existing artists, through the Meru Youth Service (MYS) Making Star Project.

The Governor has been keen to invest in social development, just as in economic and infrastructural development, empowering Meru artists who mostly are in the youth bracket. In addition, the Governor has been determined to create space for commercializing talent as an alternate source of income among the youth, one way to help fight apathy and joblessness.

According to Kiraitu, plans are in place to establish modern studios both at Njuri Ncheke ultramodern hall and Kinoru Stadium, once handed over for county management in order to support artistic work recording.

MYS Star Project, orchestrated by Subcounty level auditions, from which 60 artists were enrolled into a two week talent academy at the Igoji MYS Center before competing in search for 12 best performed artists in four categories; Singing, spoken word, rap and comedy, was meant to identify and nature talents in Meru. The two-Week program involved series of trainings, free music recording and entertainment based competitions.

Deputy Governor Titus Ntuchiu, who spoke at Igoji MYS Center in an awarding ceremony for the said best performed artists, was assertive that investing on the youth would help build up for a better future. He added the star project editions would be done annually for maximal outcomes. He also asked the youth to form groups for easier access to the county government Youth Empowerment Fund.

Moffat Koome (Wamunyota), Lewis Mwenda, Peterson Mugambi(AJ), Kawira Kinoti emerged the best Comedian, Singer, Rapper and Poet respectively in this year’s MYS Making Stars Project edition. Each will take home Ksh 150,000 with additional sh. 50,000 each from Kiraitu Murungi’s Foundation. The first and second runner’s up in each category took home Ksh. 100,000 and 50,000 in that order.
Apart from monetary awards, the competitors enjoyed a free audio music recording, certification, and a trophy in honor of their accomplishment. In addition, the most promising talents were also sported in respective 9 Subcounties.