Min of Interior and Coord Natl GovNational Goverment

CS Matiangi Responds to Summons by the National Assembly

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From Twitter/@FredMatiangi

Currently briefing the National Assembly’s Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security on Securing H.E the Deputy President. Securing H.E the Deputy President is a 3 layered structure: 1. 74 Presidential Escort Commandos, 5 GSU, 6DCI, the inner circle 2. 121 APS from SGB and CIPU Units, and 3. 51 Auxiliary Security deployed in various properties.

The problem with our country is that some people suffer from sympathy addiction. They’re always looking for opportunities to lament about this and that to attract sympathies.We in the security sector make decisions after serious considerations knowing we will be held accountable.

It’s unheard-of that a chief of staff of a senior office writing to the Inspector General of the National Police Service and before the letter is received he’s already posted it on social media.This is juvenile activism.If unchecked this vulgarising of important offices will erode the dignity of our country’s institutions

There’s an overlap between business and public service. If you are the [Inspector-General] and you receive a request to deploy security to private business from a VVIP, it becomes very difficult to say No. We need statutory action to curb the possibility of misuse of security personnel provision.