NASA CoalitionPolitical Parties

NASA Coalition Parliamentary Group Statement.

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Hon. Junet Sheikh Nuh Mohamed, CBS, MP, Minority Whip-National Assembly

Article 2 of the constitution states that the Republic of Kenya is a multi-party democratic state. This is important to know so that the actions currently being taken by political parties are understood in their proper contexts to avoid claims of dictatorship that usually arise whenever political parties resolve internal party matters which when left unattended can paralyze the proper functioning of the party and all that the constitution mandates the party to perform.

As NASA, we have met this afternoon and held very fruitful deliberations aimed at not just improving the performance of our coalition in parliament, but also strengthening our democracy. Parliament is resuming next week and we wanted to have our house in order. From the onset, we wish to state that the changes we’ve made today are not unique. These are normal changes we make on a needs basis to improve service delivery to the people of Kenya. It is therefore important to understand that these changes are not meant to punish anyone.

Parliament is a House of political parties and coalitions of parties. Party Cohesion and Discipline are therefore critical to the proper conduct of parliamentary business. Party/Coalition Discipline is non-negotiable. We must end the culture of leaders benefiting from the strength and support of the Party/Coalition, then, at their pleasure, decide to sabotage the same Party/Coalition. Party positions and privileges must at all times serve the party. Those who have been elected or nominated by the Party/Coalition must therefore – at all times – understand what the “Party/Coalition position” is on any issue.

We believe that the actions we’ve collectively taken today are important to ensure that we have a functional political environment which can deliver to the people of Kenya the mandate of the national government, which we all are members of, by virtue of being elected representatives of our people.

We have strengthened our Committees by redeploying some members. We have also made changes to our Membership in the Parliamentary Service Commission and Coalition Leadership in the House. The full list of these changes will be made available to you. We want to restate that our Cooperation with the Jubilee government which informs our relationship with the ruling Jubilee Party in the House is guided by the 9-point Agenda of the Handshake between H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta and Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga.

We believe that this Cooperation is important and necessary to provide a stable political environment for President Uhuru Kenyatta to achieve the Big Four Agenda, entrench lasting National Unity through the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) and lead the country through trying and unpredictable times as now.

We want Kenyans to know that we in the Opposition support all government programmes aimed at improving the lives of Kenyans. We are not interested in unnecessary political posturing. We want Kenyans to know that we will continue to robustly engage the government on areas we feel require improvements so that Kenyans benefit from the vast resources of the nation that have been bestowed on the government of the day.

Finally, we continue to support the President on his leadership during this COVID pandemic. We urge Kenyans to continue adhering to all government measures aimed at fighting Coronavirus to ensure we return to normalcy as soon as possible.

Changes in the House Leadership and Parliamentary Committees

NASA Parliamentary Group unanimously agreed on the following changes in House Leadership and Parliamentary Committees:

  • Hon. Wakhungu, Chrisantus Wamalwa, MP to be removed as the Deputy Minority Whip, NA and be replaced with Hon. Simiyu, David Eseli, MP.
  • Hon. Mboko, Mishi Khamisi, MP to replace Hon. Aisha Katana Jumwa, MP in the Parliamentary Service Commission.

Also, the following members are to be de-whipped from their respective committees henceforth for six (6) months:

  1. Hon. Onyiego, Silvanus Osoro, MP
    • Agriculture and Livestock Committee
    • Committee on Implementation
  2. Hon. Nakara, John Lodepe, MP
    • Defence and Foreign Relations Committee
  3. Hon. Wambilianga, Catherine , MP
    • Labour & Social Welfare
    • Education and Research
    • Committee on Selection
  4. Hon. Mwale, Nicholus Tindi, MP
    • Energy Committee
    • Delegated Legislation
    • Committee on Selection
  5. Hon. David Ochieng, MP
    • Health Committee
  6. Hon. Aisha Katana Jumwa
    • Members Service Facility Committee
  7. Hon. Mogaka, Vincent Kemosi, MP
    • Transport, Public Works and Housing
    • Parliamentary Powers and Privileges
  8. Hon. Katana, Paul Kahindi, MP
    • Public Investments Committee
  9. Hon. Bady Twalib, MP
    • Budget and Appropriations Committee