National GovermentThe President

Statement by President Kenyatta on the Nomination of Kenya’s Candidate for Secretary-General of the Commonwealth

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  1. The Commonwealth is a family of 54 nations and states who share a common heritage and tradition; a family forged by shared fundamental principles and values, and by which we define the future that we seek together.
  2. Kenya believes that the Commonwealth remains a primary actor for responding to the current challenges facing its member states and for building a common future. The success of our organization lies in its ability to effectively address the needs of the member states, shape the collective agenda and implement its decisions for the realization of our common aspirations. All these require steadfast leadership at the Secretariat to deliver a dynamic and influential Commonwealth.
  3. Against this background, Kenya has taken the decision to nominate Amb. Dr. Monica Juma to be the 7th Secretary Commonwealth-General to the Commonwealth.
  4. It is my hope that the next Commonwealth Heads of Government Summit (CHOGM) will consider this nomination favourably.
  5. Amb Dr. Monica Juma is Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Defence, who formerly served in the same capacity in the Foreign Affairs docket. Also as Principal Secretary she served across the security departments of government; namely Defence, Interior and Coordination of National Government, and Foreign Affairs. Her exemplary service as one of Kenya’s top diplomats establishes Amb. Dr. Juma as a diplomat per excellence.
  6. Amb. Dr. Juma has an indisputable track- record of strategic leadership, management, representation and knowledge of government, regional as well as multinational, and multilateral relations, international development, security and humanitarian issues. She is an exemplar of what we in the Commonwealth hold.
  7. I have no doubt that Amb. Monica Juma will be a strong consensus candidate, who will deliver an effective Secretariat driven by member state priorities; She will help bolster unity amongst the Commonwealth family, and also enhance innovative partnership that optimizes the impact of our organization.
  8. We as Kenyans, seek the support and endorsement from the Commonwealth fraternity.