County GovernmentsMachakos County

Machakos Consultative Meeting on Containment of COVID-19 and Socio-Economic Stimulation

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Statement by Dr. Alfred Mutua, Governor Machakos County

I have today held a meeting with the County Assembly of Machakos, led by its leadership to discuss the COVID-19 challenge and our role as county leaders to keep the disease at bay. In Machakos, I have decided to work with all leaders and for all to be involved in the planning and execution of strategies. Distribution of commodities, sensitization and village by village leadership in enforcing COVID-19 regulations is to be done by the leaders.

We have also discussed the economic impact of COVID-19 and the measures that need to be taken, as we prepare Supplementary Budget to stimulate and buffer the Machakos economy. am pleased that under the able leadership of Speaker Hon. Florence Mwangangi and the Assembly party’s leadership my government is working closely, in partnership and harmony with all the Machakos MCAs for the benefit of our people.