County GovernmentsMachakos County

Porus Nairobi Metropolis Border a Threat to Machakos County

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Statement by Dr. Alfred Mutua, Governor Machakos County.

I have today chaired the Machakos County Security Team meeting at my Machakos office. We discussed a number of issues, key among them being the enhancing of extra security measures during this COVID-19 period. The porosity of the metropolis borders has led to increased cases of COVID-19 cases within Machakos County, of special concern being that individuals without the prerequisite credentials are bribing police officers manning the set boundaries gaining access to and out of Machakos.

I therefore wish to caution wananchi against giving bribes to officers as this is criminal and is punishable by law, I also call on all police officers to remain diligent in their role as we strive to flatten the COVID-19 curve. While discussions are underway on the opening of the economy, I ask His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta to consider extending the curfew so that we can continue enjoying the low crime rates we are currently enjoying across the country.

Lastly, I urge all of us to protect one another. I call on all citizens to work together with local authorities and police, to report unusual activities within the community, that way we protect our lives as well as our property. Let us make use of the Nyumba Kumi structure by notifying the local leadership, chief or police of any emerging issues in your vicinity. This is your civic duty that will go a long way in helping our community to remain protected from COVID-19.