Lamu Farmers Set to Increase Cotton Production with Free Hybrid Seeds
Smallholder cotton farmers in Hongwe ward in Lamu County have today benefited from free hybrid certified cotton seeds under a County initiative aimed at boosting cotton farming in Lamu.
The seeds, procured from world leading hybrid cotton seed producer, Mayhol in India, have been distributed to farmers in Hongwe center, Bomani, Sinambio, Mirunji and Mandani in Hongwe ward in an exercise led by Trade CECM Hon. Josphat Musembi.
Speaking at the County headquarters in Mokowe, HE Governor Fahim Twaha, said the exercise will be replicated across the county with every farmer receiving free C571 Hybrid, C571 BT and C567 Hybrid cotton seeds.
Lamu is setting the pace country wide by being the first county to offer free HYBRID seeds to it’s farmers. The week long exercise initiated in Witu this Monday will be replicated in all the remaining wards across the county .