County GovernmentsNairobi City County

Nairobi City County launches feeding program to ease Covid-19 burden

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Nairobi City County Government Chief Officer Disaster Management Mr. Mohamed Sahal accompanied by County Executive Committee Member Commerce, Tourism and Cooperatives Ms. Winfred Gathagu and Deputy Director Disaster Management Mr. Brian Kisali  today launched a feeding program for vulnerable members in the community which will run in all the 17 Subcounties.

Said  H.E “Myself and the acting County Secretary, Dr Jairus Musumba set up an internal  technical team within the Disaster Management Department, who were tasked with carrying out an elaborate job of mapping  the most vulnerable in our society as well carrying out a needs assessment of these most vulnerable members of the community within the 17 sub-counties and the number of households mostly affected in the county ”

The Deputy Governor and Acting Governor said “Due to the high number of positive cases we have in Nairobi,  our County has been placed under lock down. The outbreak of this disease has also resulted in the locking down of four (4) other counties, exposing vulnerable families to serious food insecurity challenges. The combinations of all the above factors have contributed to alot of hardship to the vulnerable population of our county.”

Nairobi County is set to  donate the following food stuffs; 130 tons Maize and wheat flour, 50 tons sugar, 60 tons rice, Blankets, Basins, Loaves of bread, Powdered milk and Sanitary pads.

This portion will be distributed to identified beneficiaries on a weekly basis over the next three months across all the seventeen  sub-counties.

The program is targeting vulnerable people mainly women, people living with disability and the elderly in the informal settlements.

County Chief Officer Disaster Management Mr. Mohammed Sahal said the county intends to work  with area Members of County Assembly who will go door to door to donate the food stuffs to avoid the spread of the corona virus. Sahal also urged the public to follow the ministry of Health protocols.

Hon.John Kamau, Komarock Ward Member of County Assembly thanked the  Deputy Governor and Acting Governor, H. E Ann Kananu for remembering the vulnerable in the society. Hon. Kamau was speaking when he received food donations for Komarock Ward, Embakasi Central SubCounty.

Said Hon. Kamau,” These donations will go along way in helping over 500 elderly people who are over 70 and above and other vulnerable groups in the Embakasi Central.

Jane Ndungu,Fred Ndichu and Moses kinyanjui  who were among the beneficiaries expressed their gratitude to H. E Ann Kananu. They said the food stuffs will benefit them especially during this time of Covid-19 pandemic where they have experienced so many problems. They said the blankets have come in handy during the rainy season.

The event was also attended by  disaster management team who together with H.E ensured that 300 women over the 58 years old were vaccinated.