KANUNational GovermentPolitical PartiesState House

Uhuru Kenyatta Endorsed as KANU’s Presidential Torch Bearer

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Mr. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta was today endorsed unopposed as KANU’s presidential torch bearer in the forthcoming general elections. Mr. Uhuru was endorsed by 4,500 delegates from all constituencies from across the country during the function witnessed by party National Chairman President Daniel arap Moi.

Mr. Uhuru was proposed by one of KANU’s Vice Chairman Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi and seconded by another party’s Vice Chairman Noah Katana Ngala. By acclamation, the delegates, who had gathered at the Moi Sports Centre Kasarani unanimously endorsed Uhuru as KANU’s presidential flag-bearer.

In his speech, party National Chairman Daniel arap Moi told the delegates and party members to campaign thoroughly for Mr. Kenyatta and other leaders who will team up with him. President Moi once again stated that the general elections will be held as scheduled and as per the constitution. He added that the government will ensure an enabling environment for peaceful campaigns and electioneering.

The President also said all political parties will be required to ensure that they adhere to electoral code of conduct and refrain from acts of incitement and violence. He said as chairman of the party he will team up with other KANU aspirants in campaigning vigorously so as to ensure victory to the party. He reiterated the party’s doctrine, which has been founded on three pillars namely-creation of wealth and eradication of poverty, eradication of illiteracy and improving of health and eradication of diseases.

The President said contrary to believe by some people, the ruling party was still strong adding that what happened is that NDP had gone back to the opposition fold. The president said some of the run away KANU MPs had done so after realizing that they had lost popularity even at the grassroots. The President said some think they will be re-elected if they seek re-election on opposition party tickets.

President Moi told party members never to be driven by hatred saying this was the root cause of conflicts in most parts of the Africa continent. He said in future, the party might be forced to expel any member who is driven by hatred particularly of other communities. The president also said that KANU abhors violence and said leaders who incite people into such acts should not be given elective posts.

The president told the delegates gathered that they only chose KANU’s presidential flag bearer but the electorate will have the final say. He added that democracy should be allowed to prevail by giving the wananchi the mandate to elect popular KANU leaders. The president announced that the party posts left vacant by officials who resigned will be filled soon.

In his acceptance speech, Mr. Kenyatta said he will serve the party and the nation with great devotion, discipline, vigour, courage and undivided loyalty. He said it was vital for KANU to maintain it’s winning record, win elections convincingly, overwhelmingly and conclusively and ensure peace prevails after the elections.

Mr. Uhuru called for a new culture of discipline and hard work so as to rebuild institutions and get back to the road to economic recovery. He said once elected, his government will fight corruption, which he said had contributed to poor economic performance, tarnished the country’s image locally and internationally besides weakening investor confidence.

Mr. Uhuru said KANU did not habour any ill-feelings against KANU rebels and instead invited them to team up with the rest of party members to campaign for the party’s victory. He said those who had abandoned the party did not shake it as misconstrued by some people. Mr. Uhuru said Kenya no longer needs politicians who seek to be ethnic champions and rabble rousers but those who are upright, dependable, transparent and accountable.

Saying the country’s ethnic and cultural diversity was an asset, Mr. Kenyatta said it should not be used to divide Kenyans adding that it was a resource to be used to enrich Kenya’s nationhood. He called on the delegates and other KANU supporters to campaign hard in ensuring the victory of the party and him as president.

During the function, the delegates observed a one minute silence in honor of a KANU delegate former Assistant Minister Japhet Ekidor who died following an attack by bandits on his way to Nairobi to attend today’s conference.