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President Suluhu of Tanzania Address Joint Session of Parliament

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President Suluhu of the United Republic of Tanzania on Wednesday addressed a joint sitting of Kenya’s bicameral Parliament on the second day of her historic State Visit.

The visiting Head of State hailed the strong historical ties between Kenya and Tanzania, saying the two East African nations depend on each other for their survival, and called out those who fan division between them. Once again, President Suluhu invited Kenyan investors to Tanzania, saying her meeting with President Kenyatta had resolved to smoothen all barriers to bilateral trade.

On connectivity and shared infrastructure, President Suluhu listed several cross-border projects that Kenya and Tanzania have lined up among them One Stop Border Posts (OSBP), roads, electricity transmission lines and a natural gas pipeline.

The Tanzanian leader also spoke about Covid-19, reiterating that her country was not an exception, and assured that Tanzania will continue collaborating with her neighbours in managing the pandemic. The President urged parliament to nurture the good relations between the two countries, and told MPs that she was visiting Kenya to strengthen Kenya-Tanzania ties.

Her Excellency President Suluhu said her visit had achieved great results, and informed MPs that she had invited President Kenyatta to be the Chief Guest during celebrations to mark Tanzania’s 60th anniversary in December this year.