Judiciary and Law Enforcement

Justice Musinga to head the Judiciary Committee on Elections

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From judiciary.go.ke

Court of Appeal Judge Daniel Musinga is the new chairman of the Judiciary Committee on Elections (JCE). Justice Musinga takes over from outgoing chairman, High Court judge Msagha Mbogholi. He was appointed by Chief Justice David Maraga.

The other members of the Committee are Supreme Court Judges, Mohammed Ibrahim and Smokin Wanjala, President Court of Appeal, Justice William Ouko, Director Judiciary Training Institute- JTI Justice Kathurima M’Inoti, High Court Principal Judge Lydia Achode and High Court Judge Robert Limo.

Others are Chief Magistrates Diana Mochache, Wendy Micheni, Deputy Registrar ICT Committee Elizabeth Tanui, Deputy Registrar Civil Division Lydia Mbacho and Hon Zipporrah Gichana who is the new Secretary to the JCE. Gichana takes over from Chief Magistrate Lilian Arika.

The Judiciary Committee on Elections (JCE) was launched in August 2015, as a standing committee to provide a sustainable mechanism to assist the Judiciary continuously prepare for and discharge its mandate on election dispute resolutions.

The Chief Justice appointed the new leadership to prepare the Judiciary to handle petitions arising from the 2022 General Election.