Kajiado County

Kajiado County Prepardness for COVID-19 Pandemic

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From kajiado.go.ke

To cushion our people from high food prices, HE the Governor has given the following directives.

As you are all aware, our country continues to experience the impact of the Corona Virus Disease (COVID -19). The County Government of Kajiado is cognizant of the negative economic impact of COVID 19. Many business enterprises are suffering huge losses while others have closed. Many workers continue to lose their livelihoods as the effects of the situation persist.

In this unfolding situation, food security of our people is grossly threatened. To cushion our people from higher food prices and to enable the business community to avail food supplies in affordable prices, I DIRECT the County Department of Finance to WAIVE TAXES and levies for April-June, 2020, as follows;

  1. Daily market Cess fees on Agricultural produce.
  2. Transit Cess fees for all Agricultural produce.
  3. Slaughter house inspection fees.
  4. Monthly parking fees for Passenger Service Vehicles (PSVs).

Following a declaration by the Ministry of Health that the transmission of the Corona Virus Disease in Kenya is now Community driven and that it is being spread through close contact among people who have disregarded observance of social distance as a measure to contain the spread of the pandemic, I have given the following directive;

  1. That the County Directorate of Inspectorate Services ensures trading activities in the County are CONDUCTED within the recommended ONE METRE distance with a special focus on RETAIL MARKETS, CATTLE SALE YARDS, SUPERMARKETS, BUS PARKS and HEALTH FACILITIES.
  2. Business enterprises that deal with essential goods and services and are still operating MUST ensure that their customers observe the recommended SOCIAL DISTANCE when transacting.

Administrative action will be taken against business enterprises that do not abide by the issued social distance guidelines.

The County Inspectorate officers are URGED to observe restraint when handling members of the public.